Kamshibekova Nargiza Abutalipkizi
Teacher of special disciplines.
Scientific and pedagogical experience of 6 years.
Implementation of the goal of the educational and methodological work of the College “Improving the quality of education through the use of result-oriented modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process.”
— scientific and methodological support for the implementation of educational programs;
— development, implementation and improvement of new technologies, methods, means and forms of the educational process in order to improve the quality of training of specialists;
— creating conditions for the development of creative thinking of teachers, advanced training and professional skills of teaching staff.
— dissemination and popularization of advanced pedagogical practices;
— appointment of mentors for the purpose of methodological guidance of young specialists.
In accordance with the plan of educational and methodological work for the 2023-2024 academic year, a ten-day period of the CMC “Special Disciplines 1” is planned for February.
- First aid
- Performing types of injection
- Observe the sanitary regime and rules of personal hygiene, labor discipline;
- Ability to work with medical instruments
- Establish direct relationships with doctors to give them the opportunity to actively work in the future
- General analysis of blood, urine and its sediment, caprological examination of feces, sputum, pus, nasal and pharyngeal infections.
- Gastric lavage
- Carrying out types of enema
- Catheter placement
- Ability to communicate with patients and their relatives
- Filling out medical documents
The teaching staff consists of 48 people, among them are:
- Candidate of Medical Sciences – 3
- Master-2
- Associate Professor-1
- Highest category-8
- Moderator-2
- Uncategorized-33
- Young specialists-13
- Staff-33
- Outside staff-15

Konirova Salima Kalabaevna
Aktobe State Medical Academy: 1990-1997years
Teacher of special disciplines.

Nuralina Sandesh Nurgalikyzy
Aktobe State Medical Academy: 1980 year
Teacher of special disciplines.

Galymzhanova Makpal Temirbulatovna
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2017 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Baimaen Naushat Bolatbekkyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Serikbolat Talzhibek Tarankyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Dzhubathanova Guljanat Talgatkyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Tokbura Nursulu Kalaskyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2021 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Kenzhebaeva Aigerim Kenzhebaikyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Nurantai Asilzat Myrzabaikyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Iakina Guldana Almaskyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Aldongarova Saltanat Maksotkyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.

Saparbai Nuria Nurullakyzy
State Medical University named after Marat Ospanov: 2022 year.
Teacher of special disciplines.