If you need the help of a social teacher, you can go to office 127 on the 1st floor of the college.



  • Total by college: 2094
    Boys: 616
    Girls: 1478
    Number of children: 96 (4 under the age of 18 and large families)
    Number of low-income families: 8
    Social status of the rest of the families: average, good
    Number of students belonging to an unsuccessful single-parent family: 40
    Half-orphaned: 25
    Number of orphans studying under the state order: 3
    Number of people renting apartments: 375
    Living in dormitories: 180
    Those who live in their own home in the city: 913
    Disabled: 10
    Number of benefits for tuition fees in the academic year: 8
    Number of students raised by step-parents of the baishev higher medical college: 8

The purpose of the activity of a social educator is to create favorable conditions for the personal development of a person (physical, social, spiritual, moral, intellectual), provide him with comprehensive socio – psychological and pedagogical assistance in self-development and self-realization in the process. socialization, as well as the protection of a person in his living space (Social, Psychological, pedagogical, moral).

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«Ашық жүрек» еріктілер клубының ұйымдастыруымен жас оқытушылар арасында «Jastar baly-2023» жұптық байқауы өткізілді! Байқауға, «Жалпы білім беру, әлеуметтік-экономикалық пәндер» ЦӘК…

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