Category: teacher of "Special disciplines".
Secondary,Aktobe Medical College named after Manshuk Mametova, specialty - "medical business".
Higher education, West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, specialty-5b130100-Bachelor of General Medicine,
Higher education, West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov, specialty – general practice doctor in the specialty 5B130100 - "general medicine"
Additional information: certificate of general practice doctor, "medical business", "Nursing", "Professional Hajam".
Work experience:
2015-2016, Aktobe clinic, nurse
2015-2017 clinic"Eurasia", paramedic
Since 2019-2023 City Polyclinic No. 2, paramedic, doctor.
1.09.23, higher multidisciplinary college" Bolashak", teacher
Department “Nursing and pharmacy” is a structural division of “Baishevsky Higher Medical College” LLP. The department was created in order to improve the organization, coordination and control of the educational process in the college.
The department is headed by the head, who is appointed by order of the general director of the college and is dismissed from the post.
- The department is assigned the following duties
- Organization and management of educational and educational work in the department.
- Ensuring the implementation of educational plans and programs.
- Participation in the preparation of the schedule of occupations and control over its implementation.
- Participation in career orientation work, retention of a contingent of students.
- Organization of preparation and implementation, approval of types of control of exams, tests, control works, etc. In the educational process.
- Руководство работу учебно-методического совет, предмедно-циколовой комисии.
- Monitor the timely filling of educational journals by teachers, attendance, and performance of students.
- Work with students and their parents.
- Control, regulation of work with curators.
- Continue work on ensuring the quality of training of competitive specialists in accordance with the state mandatory standard;
- Activation and continuation of assistance to teachers of the department in scientific work, implementation of methodological and analytical instructions;
- Activation of experience exchange between mentors and young teachers;
- Support to the active participation of students in republican, regional, city competitions with extracurricular educational work;
- Tracking of attendance, progress of students;
- Activation of the work of the Council for the Prevention of Offenses;
- Strengthening of relations with parents, conducting seminars, meetings;
- Adaptation of students to sports games, promotion interest;
- Increase of creative abilities of students;
- Development of moral, strength, volitional, personal qualities of students and psychological processes and qualities of honesty;
- Cultivate students’ activity, determination, organization, sense of responsibility;
- Acquaintance of students with internal college rules;
- Strengthening relations with parents;
- Work with children-orphans, invalids, low-income families;
- Monitoring of students living in the dormitory;
- Monitor the life of students who rent apartments among students;
- Systematic management of work with difficult students;
- To control the work of group leaders, to facilitate the performance of the work of members of the curatorial council at their level;
- Mobilization of students and teachers to participate in republican, regional, city events;
- Individual work with gifted students, guidance;
- Participation in internal college conferences, seminars;Strengthening ties with the college library