On November 27 of this year, an extraordinary meeting of the college’s board under the director was held. Current issues were discussed at the meeting, and a new president of the “Student Council” organization under the Committee on Youth Affairs was appointed. Since the second half of 2022, Nuryllayeva Aruzhan Bakytbekovna, a 3rd-year student of the “Medical” specialty, has served as the president of the “Student Council”. Due to diploma experience and study process, by the decision of the commission, it was handed over to Berikova Orinay Berikovna, a 3rd year student of the “Nursing” specialty.
It should be noted that the presidential mandate is elected for at least 1 year. The purpose of the organization “Student Council” is a general system of management of educational processes in the college and takes into account public opinions of students, their interests and needs based on research.
We thank Aruzhan Bakytbekovna for her good deeds. We wish good luck to the appointed Orynai Berikovna with the belief that she will show new initiatives and positive results!
#student parliament
@jasaqtobe @aqtobejastary @aqtobe_bilim_basqarmasy