Baishyev University, which is under the Baishyev Education Corporation, along with the Bopay Khanim Higher Medical College students and Baishyev School-Lyceum students, has adopted the “Unified Education System” cooperation project aimed at systematically integrating educational activities. According to the project plan, today, the university organized a discussion on the topic “Hygiene for Girls and Prevention of Early Pregnancy” with the participation of qualified specialists and students from the college to teach girls how to maintain proper and daily hygiene, protect themselves from indecent behavior, and grow up as virtuous young women. The speakers of the event included: Abdildaev Gulybaram Latievna – a highly qualified obstetrician-gynecologist and educator, Zhubanova Zhanylsın Tagybergenovna – deputy director for educational and production work, Sagyndykova Lyazat Sagyndykovna – Master of Pedagogical Sciences and head of the “Syrgalym” girls’ club, and college students specializing in midwifery – Gasyrlbekqyzy Kyndyz and Serikkali Aym, who shared advice and engaged in discussions with the girls. @birtutas_tarbie2024 @birtutas_tarbie_aqtobe